Care for our animals is more than a full-time job and our most important one so we sometimes rely on volunteers to
update the site for us. Please be patient if you don't see news updates as often as you might like.
You can visit us on our Facebook fundraising page to see up-to-date news and events and, as always,
you are welcome to contact us with any questions.
April 2024- If you follow our Facebook pages you will probably already know about little Jessie, who was abandoned and in heartbreaking condition when we found her. With the help of our vet and huge amounts of love and care
she is now a happy little girl.
Due to her sight loss, she needed a fenced-off area where she could safely have outside time and play with her new friends. This is the new area we call Jessie's enclosure.
April 2024 - A tour of the 3 outdoor enclosures and how they join up
April 2024- More of the outdoor spaces and dogs
All Friends Here at the Cat Massage Parlour!
6/22 - Puppies joining the gang on hot day
6/22 - Lots of sniffing, mooching about and playing.
5/22 Little "Bear" has arrived safely at his new home in the UK. He looks settled in already! We couldn't be happier for him :)

Jean's Doggy Biscuit Recipe - give it a try!

4/22 - Little Bear has been adopted and will soon be off to his new loving forever home!