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Social Media Harassment
Our Experience
In your searches and internet browsing you may have come across some hate-filled negativity about our charity. We want to confront this and bring it out into the open so any potential supporters know the truth- the extent of what we have dealt with and continue to deal with. We have been the victims of a group of people commonly referred to as "trolls". During our investigations of "trolling" behaviour we have discovered that we are not alone. Many others have suffered the same, though perhaps not quite as long as we have.
Whilst it is important to be vigilant about those claiming online to care for animals, it is so important to be equally vigilant not to cause harm to those who spend their lives working for the betterment of animals and caring for them every single day. We could share a list of all these people have done but it would be many pages long and would get boring very quickly so instead we will summarize as best we can.
Until 2016-2017 we were a successful charity with enough donations to feed the animals in our care and see to all their needs. We could accept "new" additions to the rescue as we had the rehoming capability and the resources.
Then the "trolling" began....
and they told outright lies, spreading them throughout social media and more. Every day we lived with the terrible stress and worry of what their baseless and bizarre claims were doing to us and the animals. Their pursuit of us became so severe that it resulted in us having to move home.
In 2018 they assured permanent damage was done by contacting a national tabloid with a completely fabricated "story" about me. That tabloid, The Mirror, published the article. The horror of it pushed me into terrible depression as I felt there was little we could do to stop these people. Eventually, the Mirror had to issue me a public apology when my innocence was proven. It can be seen here:
However, their damage was done. We lost so many supporters and most likely they never saw the public apology from this tabloid when it came out almost a year later.
You may see instances where I reacted very badly. The anger and stress I felt at being subjected to this day in, day out for years took a toll. Could I have handled the trolls better? The answer to that is a big yes. I let myself down, but daily pressure like that can make people react in stupid ways.
So here we are, years later, caring for the animals every day without a break, without help and constantly struggling to find the funds for their food, supplies, and vet care. And even now these people continue to harass and hurt us with their hate campaign.
Our funds are so low that we only just manage to feed the animals through the kindness of a relatively small group of supporters who have experienced the trolling and know what we are up against. We have not been able to have our charity accounts done because we simply do not have enough money to pay for an accountant - though with some help we will soon have that, at least, done. It is a daily fight just to keep going but we do not have a choice. Without us, these animals will be on the street and would soon starve to death.
I hope this reassures you regarding any concern you may have at negativity you have seen but you are welcome to email us or contact us through our Facebook page if you prefer with any questions you may have. We will always answer with honesty and transparency. - Peter